Richard M. Rosa


Start Date:

Rich is a Managing Director and Partner at Verdence, serving ultra-high-net-worth families, executives, and sports and entertainment clients.  As a former collegiate athlete and 22-year national sports management professional, Rich has a clear understanding of the challenges that those in the public spotlight face.

Rich is an advisor, an advocate, and a mentor. His passion is advising and empowering clients on lifestyle planning, investing, and enjoying their next phases of life.

Get to know Rich!

If I could invite anyone, living or dead, for dinner, I would ask:

“My mom”

If I were not a financial advisor, I would be a:

“Football coach”

Three items I would take if stranded on in the desert:

“Water, a picture of my family, and a pillow”

News story headline about my life:

“Gave 100% to Everything he did.”

Three words that describe Rich:

“Loyal, Focused, Reliable”