• Giving back to our community.

  • Care packages for the Elizabeth Dole Foundation

  • Verdence Blood Drive for the American Red Cross


The Verdence Foundation is built on two distinct missions. The first is to promote the philanthropic activity of Verdence Capital Advisors employees. The second is to foster lasting independence within our communities by partnering with nonprofit organizations.


Through monetary donations and charitable service, the Verdence Foundation aims to transform lives by:

  • Addressing immediate needs
    By focusing on addressing immediate needs within our community we can aid those that suffer from financial and life-changing events.
  • Education and mentoring
    By focusing on educating and mentoring we can advance the personal development of members of our community.
  • Raising awareness
    By focusing on raising awareness, the foundation can make a difference by highlighting challenges and issues that hinder the economy, the planet, and an individual’s personal development.
  • Driving impact for the future
    By driving impact for the future, we aim to contribute to nonprofits that aim to change the world through innovation, medical research and science.

The Verdence Foundation has worked with the following organizations:
